We help businesses nationwide
pay the least amount of tax

legally possible


Are you overpaying the IRS?

Are you overpaying the IRS? Former IRS Agent Marina Guccione gives you the insider secrets to save you thousands and pay the least amount of taxes legally possible!


Income Taxes

Expert tax preparation and filing for corporations, partnerships, and individuals. Dedication to maximizing deductions and credits to minimize tax liabilities. Proactive tax planning strategies to optimize your financial position.

Sales Taxes

Quarterly and yearly sales tax filings. Compliance with sales tax regulations to avoid penalties and fines.


Flexible bookkeeping solutions available online or through pick-up and delivery. Accurate and organized financial records to support decision-making and financial analysis.


Preparation of financial statements customized to your specific needs. Modification of reports to provide valuable insights into your business performance.


QuickBooks company setup and support. Data cleanup and transferring services for seamless integration with your existing


Quarterly and yearly payroll filings including Form 941, Form 940, and DE9s. Reliable payroll processing to ensure compliance with regulations and timely payments.

IRS Problem Solving

Assistance with Offers in Compromise and IRS audits. Dedicated support to resolve IRS-related issues efficiently and effectively.


Internal audit services to assess and improve your internal controls. Support with W2s, 1099s, and workers' compensation audits. At MGM Accounting, we are committed to providing exceptional service and delivering tangible results. Let us help you navigate the complexities of financial management so you can focus on what matters most – growing your business and achieving your financial goals.


Income Taxes

Expert tax preparation and filing for corporations, partnerships, and individuals. Dedication to maximizing deductions and credits to minimize tax liabilities. Proactive tax planning strategies to optimize your financial position.

Sales Taxes

Quarterly and yearly sales tax filings. Compliance with sales tax regulations to avoid penalties and fines.


Flexible bookkeeping solutions available online or through pick-up and delivery. Accurate and organized financial records to support decision-making and financial analysis.


Preparation of financial statements customized to your specific needs. Modification of reports to provide valuable insights into your business performance.


QuickBooks company setup and support. Data cleanup and transferring services for seamless integration with your existing


Quarterly and yearly payroll filings including Form 941, Form 940, and DE9s. Reliable payroll processing to ensure compliance with regulations and timely payments.

IRS Problem Solving

Assistance with Offers in Compromise and IRS audits. Dedicated support to resolve IRS-related issues efficiently and effectively.


Internal audit services to assess and improve your internal controls. Support with W2s, 1099s, and workers' compensation audits. At MGM Accounting, we are committed to providing exceptional service and delivering tangible results. Let us help you navigate the complexities of financial management so you can focus on what matters most – growing your business and achieving your financial goals.

“Saving money doesn’t have to be hard —
You just have to be smart about it.”

Not sure what services you need? Talk to us.

Marina Guccione & Associates is an accounting service that helps small business owners pay the least amount of taxes legally possible through education, enacting a custom tax strategy plan, and strategy-based bookkeeping.

Need Help Making Sense of Your Business Taxes?

Get answers to what you should be claiming for your tax return, how much to put away for tax free wealth and what tax savings you can take advantage of with the right tax strategy.

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